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《Family matters》单元要点回扣PPT

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《Family matters》单元要点回扣PPT《Family matters》单元要点回扣PPT《Family matters》单元要点回扣PPT

《Family matters》单元要点回扣PPT

第一部分内容:Ⅰ 重点单词


1.①It is usual that you can meet many teenagers on holiday when _______________ (approach) the seaside in summer.

②They have a very communicative approach to ____________ (teach) languages.

③I’d like to ask his opinions but I find him difficult _______________ (approach).

2.①(重庆卷)When everyone else in the class was focusing ____ tasks,I could not.

②a.Because he ____________ (focus)his attention on his homework,he didn’t know what was happening outside.

b.With his attention ___________ (focus) on his homework,he didn’t know what was happening outside.

3.①______________________________ (普遍认为) consumers look to brand names they know and trust.

②_______________ (assume) that it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?

③They preferred to make _______________ (assume) about the world based on the experience of others.

4.①Einstein was one of the greatest scientists _______________ (respect) by the people all over the world.

②I respect Mr. Wang ______ his knowledge.

③In addition, you should show respect ______ all the teachers who unselfishly help you to gain much knowledge.

5.①He completely ____________ (ignore) her remark yesterday, preferring his own theory.

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Family matters PPT,第二部分内容:Ⅱ 重点短语


1. __________________求助于;致力于;从事于;查阅;翻到(书的某页) 

2.__________________  惊奇地,吃惊地

3. __________________ 对……感兴趣

4. __________________ 最终

5. __________________ 领先

6. __________________ 对……感到骄傲,以……为荣

7. __________________ 采纳某人的建议

8. __________________ 同时

9. __________________ 处于困境中,陷入麻烦中


1.He __________________ himself for winning first prize.

2.What he said is right so you should __________________.

3.It’s hard work but if you hang on you’ll succeed __________.

4.When she heard the news, she screamed _________________.

5.The finish line is close.He is still __________________ so he is sure to win.

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Family matters PPT,第三部分内容:Ⅲ 重点句型


Oh look, here comes my boy.

[仿写] 在公园的中央有一个很大的湖。

In the middle of the park __________________.


①Playing in a band is not a job.

②Making music is a job.

[仿写] 早睡早起是一个好习惯。

____________________________________ a good habit.

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Family matters PPT,第四部分内容:Ⅳ 单元语法


1.Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It _______ (fall) on December 25th. 

2.Although he has retired, every now and then he often recalls his teaching life. After all he _______________ (work) as a teacher for 35 years.

3.—Have you ever seen Peter recently?

—Yes. He _________ (ask) me to ask you how you ___________ (get) along with your job these days?

4.A woman who ___________ (sit) with her son made eye contact with me and asked me to come to her.

5.John and I ___________ (be) friends for eight years. We first _______ (get) to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ___________ (see) each other a couple of times before that.

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