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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 上海教育版四年级英语上册 > 《Shapes》PPT


《Shapes》PPT 详细介绍:



第一部分内容:Let’s count

How many shapes are there?

There are eight.

Look and learn

circle  square  triangle

rectangle  star

circle  square  star

triangle  rectangle

... ... ...

《Shapes》PPT,第二部分内容:listen and say

How many squares are there?

How many circles  are there?

How many stars are there?

How many rectangles and triangles are there?

How many ____s are there? 

There is/are ____.

There are two squares.

There are six circles.

There is one star.

There are nine rectangles and one triangle.

... ... ...


1.  Listen to and read Student’s Book page 58.

2.  Copy these words and sentences.

circle, square, star

How many squares are there? 

There are two.

3.  Complete Workbook pages 62 and 65.


《Shapes》PPT 下载地址:



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