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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 外研版六年级英语上册 >
  • 《Pandas love bamboo》PPT精品课件

    《Pandas love bamboo》PPT精品课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《Pandas love bamboo》PPT精品课件,共22页。 Lets review Elephants like water. 大象喜欢水。 Snakes love the sun. 蛇喜欢太阳。 Sheep like grass. 羊喜欢草。 Pandas love bamboo. 熊猫喜欢竹子 。 Write and say Lets have a try...

  • 《Pandas love bamboo》PPT课件下载

    《Pandas love bamboo》PPT课件下载

    外研版六年级英语上册《Pandas love bamboo》PPT课件下载,共24页。 话题导入 What does it eat? Look, listen and say. Bears like to sleep in winter. Dogs like playing with children. Pandas love bamboo. 知识讲解 Sheep like grass. 绵羊喜欢草。 sh...

  • 《I don

    《I don't believe it》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《I don't believe it》PPT教学课件,共14页。 Lets guess! They have got long tails. They can climb trees. They like bananas. What are they? Theyre monkeys They are long. They have got small heads. They have got no legs. W...

  • 《I

    《I've got a stamp from China》PPT精品课件

    外研版五年级英语上册《I've got a stamp from China》PPT精品课件,共22页。 Learning goals 单词:knife, fork, chopsticks, Japanese 句型: 1.Ive got a knife and fork and chopsticks. 2.Ive got some stamps from China but I havent got any stamps...

  • 《I

    《I've got a stamp from China》PPT课件下载

    外研版六年级英语上册《I've got a stamp from China》PPT课件下载,共24页。 Lets chant 他她它用has,连接got变拥有。 He / She / It 用has got , 要永记。(拍手3下) 其他主语用have,形式都成have got。 I / We / You / They 用have got , 要记牢。(拍手3...

  • 《I

    《I've got a stamp from China》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《I've got a stamp from China》PPT教学课件,共24页。 话题导入 Learn about some Chinese stamps Listen and read. Sam: Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks? Lingling: Ive got a knife and fork, and chopsticks. Lingli...

  • 《You

    《You've got a letter from New York》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《You've got a letter from New York》PPT教学课件,共28页。 Lets read Have you got a book about China ? No, I havent. Have you got a book about the US ? No, I havent. What book have you got ? I ve got a book about the...

  • 《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》PPT课件下载

    《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》PPT课件下载

    外研版六年级英语上册《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》PPT课件下载,共30页。 Let's learn Can (情态动词)表示能、可以。后接动词原形。 Can he ? 意为他能做(某事)? 肯定回答:Yes, he can. 否定回答: No, he cant. pen friend 笔友 This is my p...

  • 《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》PPT教学课件

    《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》PPT教学课件,共28页。 话题导入 Listen, read and act out. Laura: Hi, Simon. Simon: Hi, Laura. This is my cousin Daming. Hes from China. Laura: Hello, Daming. Im from the UK. Pleased to...

  • 《Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival》PPT教学课件

    《Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival》PPT教学课件,共10页。 教学目标: 了解认识一些传统节日的习俗。 加深人称代词主、宾格的认识。 能用学到的知识介绍中国的其他传统节日。 I am me and you are you. I、 you是主格,...

  • 《Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》PPT教学课件

    《Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》PPT教学课件,共40页。 Review. Whats your hobby? Taking pictures is my hobby. Look! These are some nice photos . I took them on Spring Festival . Listen and choose. 1.They are tal...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》PPT精品课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《What's your hobby?》PPT精品课件,共16页。 学习目标 1. 能正确使用Whats your hobby?来询问别人的爱好。 2. 学会向别人征求意见的句式: What about you? 3. 会用like/love/enjoy doing sth. 表达自己喜欢,热爱做某事。 4. 会用Have...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》PPT课件下载

    外研版六年级英语上册《What's your hobby?》PPT课件下载,共22页。 话题导入 Whats your hobby? Look, listen and say. 我没有听见你游戏 学生同桌结对。学生A先用Collecting...is my hobby.造句再面向同桌说出此句。学生B假装听不见,并说Sorry, I cant he...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《What's your hobby?》PPT教学课件,共28页。 Watch and say. Collecting stamps is my hobby. 注意:collecting stamps动名词作主语。 Collecting dolls is my hobby. Riding bicycle is my hobby. Watch and answer What is Amys hob...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT优质课件

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT优质课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT优质课件,共14页。 Language points have got/has got: 定义: have got/has got是英语中常用的一种词法,译为有,这个有是拥有; 表示某人有某物(即:某物归某人所有,是一种所属关系,主语一般...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT优秀课件

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT优秀课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT优秀课件,共21页。 Learning goals 能听、说、认读单词: collect, stamp, hobby 能够运用句型: 1.Collecting stamps is my hobby. 2.Have you got any stamps from China? Yes,I have./No,I hav...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT课件下载

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT课件下载

    外研版六年级英语上册《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT课件下载,共30页。 Free a talk. Do you know what these are? What are they about? Lets learn. This is a stamp. 这是一张邮票。 Collecting stamps is my hobby. 集邮是我的爱好。 Look, list...

  • 《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT精品课件

    《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT精品课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT精品课件,共19页。 Words(单词) sometimes有时 shop 商店 then 既然是这样,那么 family 家人,家庭 email 邮件 restaurant 餐厅 dancing 舞蹈 Sentences(句子) ① Theres Chinese...

  • 《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT课件下载

    《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT课件下载

    外研版六年级英语上册《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT课件下载,共12页。 Words(单词) sometimes有时 shop 商店 then 既然是这样,那么 family 家人,家庭 email 邮件 restaurant 餐厅 dancing 舞蹈 Sentences(句子) ① Theres Chinese...

  • 《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT教学课件

    《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT教学课件

    外研版六年级英语上册《There are lots of beautiful lakes in China》PPT教学课件,共24页。 Free talk. Can you tell me more about the Great Wall? This is There is/are Listen and chant. The Hunagshan Mountain is high. The Cahngjiang River is lo...
