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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 外研版四年级英语下册 >
  • 《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件3

    《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件3

    《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件3 How is the weather? How is the weather? It's a fine day. How is the weather? It's a cloudy day. How is the weather? It's raining. How is the weather? It's snowing. A chant about weather hot 热 warm...

  • 《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件2

    《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件2

    《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件2 Lets read. Will you? YesI will. No.I wont. Will they? Yesthey will. Nothey wont. Will he? Yeshe will. Nohe wont. Will she? Yesshe will. Noshe wont. Will it? Yesit will. Noit wont. ... ... ....

  • 《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件

    《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件

    《It will be very hot in Sanya》PPT课件 It will be sunny in Beijing. It will be cloudy in London. Will it be hot in Haikou? Yes it will. It will be hot in Haikou. Will it snow in Hangzhou? No it wont. It will rain in hangzhou. ... ... .....

  • 《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件4

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件4

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件4 On Saturday 在星期六 On Saturday were going to have a picnic! Great! great 太好了,好极了 are going to 将,将会 We are going to have a picnic! have a picnic去野餐 ... ... ... We are going to have a picn...

  • 《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件3

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件3

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件3 New words take 带,拿 fly 飞 picnic 野餐 great 太好了 ,好极了 why 为什么 because 因为 so 所以 cloudy 多云的 weather 天气 句型: Will you take your kite ? Yes I will. No I wont. ... ... ... exercise W...

  • 《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件2

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件2

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件2 New words take 带,拿 fly 飞 picnic 野餐 have a picnic 去野餐 ball 球 great 太好了,好极了 why 为什么 why not 为什么不呢? because 因为 so 所以 cloudy 多云的 weather 天气 ... ... ... Read and answer 1.S...

  • 《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件

    《Will you take your kite?》PPT课件 星期 week (第一个字母要大写) 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期日 Sunday New words take 带走,拿走 picnic 野餐 great 太好了 ball 球 why 为...

  • 《On Monday I

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件5

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件5 Chant football football play football. basketball basketball play basketball. table tennis table tennis play table tennis . song song sing a song . swimming swimming go swimming. game guess play with...

  • 《On Monday I

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件4

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件4 Chant: Monday Tuesday On Wednesday Ill Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday go swimming read a book row a boat fly a kite ride a bike play football draw some pictures watch TV ... ... ... Plan: On Monday I...

  • 《On Monday I

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件3

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件3 What have you found?(你发现了什么?) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 火眼金睛 Go swimming Fly a kite Play football Play basketball Read books Play with friends Visit grandma...

  • 《On Monday I

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件2

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件2 We can read : go swimming 去游泳 go to the park 去公园 play with my friends 和朋友一起玩 do my homework 做作业 visit my grandma 看望祖母 help my mother 帮助妈妈 read my books 看书 Lets chant : Sunday...

  • 《On Monday I

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件

    《On Monday I'll go swimming》PPT课件 I'll watch TV . I'll listen to music . I'll play football . How many days in a week? Listen and circle the phrases.(听,并圈出短语) go swimming play with my friends go to the park Do my homework visi...

  • 《Robots will do everything》PPT课件5

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件5

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件5 Listen and chant Sam can ride a bike. Sam会骑自行车。 He can ride his bike.他会骑他的自行车。 Amy can fly a kite.Amy会放风筝。 She can fly her kite.她会放她的风筝。 New words robot 机器人 our 我们的 wi...

  • 《Robots will do everything》PPT课件4

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件4

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件4 Chant Jump jump jump I can jump. Sing sing sing I can sing . Swim swim swim I can swim. Walk walk walk I can walk. Talk talk talk I can talk. ... ... ... Now lets circle Yes or No toget...

  • 《Robots will do everything》PPT课件3

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件3

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件3 Brain strom头脑风暴 Talk about (谈论)what robots can do In your group(小组) In EngiIsh(用英语). Robots can What can robots do? They can walk. They can talk. They can dance. ... ... ... Can you read? Ne...

  • 《Robots will do everything》PPT课件2

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件2

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件2 Say and do the action. Walk walk I can walk. Talk talk I can talk. Run run I can run. Jump jump I can jump. Can you read? play football row a boat play the flute make a cake write a letter was...

  • 《Robots will do everything》PPT课件

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件

    《Robots will do everything》PPT课件 Robots can ride a bike. 机器人 会 骑自行车。 Robots can fly a kite. 机器人 会 放风筝。 One day robots will do everything. 有一天,机器人会做 所有的事情。 Robots will do the housework. 机器人 将来会 做...

  • 《It

    《It's very old》PPT课件5

    《It's very old》PPT课件5 Let's review : Its a book about London. Its very nice. Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 Its the Queens house. Its very big and very beautiful. Amys house. Its small. But its very beautiful. ... ... ... This is Big Ben.大...

  • 《It

    《It's very old》PPT课件4

    《It's very old》PPT课件4 教学目标 1.理解词汇。old famous Hyde Park Tower Bridge Big Ben 2. 能够运用词汇:old famous 3. 能够运用句型:This is Its This is my home. Its very famous This is Big Ben.Its very old. And its very tall. ... ... ......

  • 《It

    《It's very old》PPT课件3

    《It's very old》PPT课件3 This panda is short but that one is tall. 这只熊猫矮,但是那一只高。 This ship is big but that one is small. 这艘轮船大,但是那一艘...
