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《How's the Weather Today?》Days and Months PPT教学课件

《How's the Weather Today?》Days and Months PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《How\s the Weather Today?》Days and Months PPT教学课件《How\s the Weather Today?》Days and Months PPT教学课件《How\s the Weather Today?》Days and Months PPT教学课件

《How's the Weather Today?》Days and Months PPT教学课件


Please describe them with“——How is the weather today?——It is+天气类形容词”

——How is the weather today?

——It is windy.

——How is the weather today?

——It is rainy.

句型:——How is the weather today?——It is+天气类形容词

... ... ...

How's the Weather Today?PPT,第二部分内容:Chant

——How is the weather today?

——It is rainy.

——How is the weather today?

——It is snowy.

T:What day is it,Li Ming?

Li Ming:It is Tuesday.

T:How is the weather today?

Li:It is warm and windy.

T:How is the weather in December?

Li:It is cold and snowy.

T:How is the weather in July?

Li:It is hot and sunny.

... ... ...

How's the Weather Today?PPT,第三部分内容:Ask and answer

(1)What day is it?

It is Tuesday.

(2)How is the weather today?

It is warm and windy.

(3)How is the weather in December?

It is cold and snowy.

(4)How is the weather in July?

It is hot and sunny.

... ... ...

How's the Weather Today?PPT,第四部分内容:Read and retell 

T: ________________,Li Ming?

Li Ming:It is Tuesday.

T:How is the weather today?

Li ____________________

T: ____________________________

Li: It is cold and snowy.

T:How is the weather in July?

Li _____________________

Can you describe them with“——How is the weather today?——It is+天气类形容词”?

... ... ...

How's the Weather Today?PPT,第五部分内容:Practice

——How is the weather today?

——It is snowy.

——How is the weather today?

——It is sunny and warm.

——How is the weather today?

——It is cloudy.

... ... ...

How's the Weather Today?PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1.Recite the text and words.

2.Practice the sentence“——How is the weather today?——It is+天气类形容词”

关键词:冀教版四年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,How's the Weather Today?PPT下载,Days and MonthsPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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