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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 冀教版四年级英语上册 > 《Let's Go Shopping》Shopping in the City PPT教学课件

《Let's Go Shopping》Shopping in the City PPT教学课件

《Let's Go Shopping》Shopping in the City PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《Let\s Go Shopping》Shopping in the City PPT教学课件《Let\s Go Shopping》Shopping in the City PPT教学课件

《Let's Go Shopping》Shopping in the City PPT教学课件



T: Hello. Boys and girls. 

S: Hello. Miss…

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.


Brain storming.

T: Let’s do an activity“Brain storming”about colors and clothes.

S: Red.

S: Blue.

... ... ...

Let's Go ShoppingPPT,第二部分内容:Presentation 

1.Learn new words.

Let’s go shopping, Danny.


—What is it?

—It’s a…shop.

2. Listen, read and act.

Danny: What do you want to buy?

Jenny: I want to buy a new dress.

Jenny: Let’s go to the clothes shop.

Danny: No, please! I don’t want to buy a new dress.

Jenny: Well, what do you want to buy?

Danny: Ice cream!

3.Let’s do it! Pair work. Talk and write.

Let’s go shopping. I want to buy Snow White. What do you want to buy?

I want to buy a skirt.

... ... ...

Let's Go ShoppingPPT,第三部分内容:Summing up 


go, shop


go shopping


Let’s go shopping, Danny.

What do you want to buy?

I don’t want to buy a new dress.

... ... ...

Let's Go ShoppingPPT,第四部分内容:Consolidation and extension 



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