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《Life on Mars》PPT课件

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《Life on Mars》PPT课件《Life on Mars》PPT课件《Life on Mars》PPT课件

《Life on Mars》PPT课件

第一部分内容:Words and Expressions

Mars n. 火星

helmet n. 头盔

air tank n. 氧气罐

dried food n. 干粮

power pack n. 电源包

sleeping bag n. 睡袋

gravity n. 重力

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第二部分内容:Listen and answer the questions.

1. Where are they?

They are on Mars.

2. How does Eddie like life on Mars? 


Eddie hates Mars. Because of the helmet, he can't get to his food.

It’s more like the Earth than the other planets in solar system.

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1. I can’t get to my food. 


get to  到达;开始;接触到

What time does this train get to New York? 


How can I get to Hilton Hotel? 


2. We’d probably need to wear special boots. 




When we drove through the gates, she wore a look of amazement.


She wears very little makeup. 


When she's working she wears her hair in a ponytail. 

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第四部分内容:Role-play

We’ll see which group does the best.

1. Role play in groups;

2. Role play in front of the class

What would it be like to live on Mars. Work in pairs and discuss with your partner. Use the conversation on page 51 as a model.

For example:

Yes, but there would be no pollution on Mars.

I agree with you. And we would have to eat dried food. I think dried food is not quite delicious.

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework 

1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.

2. Preview the article:Moving to Mars

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