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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 牛津译林版英语八年级上册 > 《Do it yourself》GrammarPPT课件

《Do it yourself》GrammarPPT课件

《Do it yourself》GrammarPPT课件 详细介绍:

《Do it yourself》GrammarPPT课件《Do it yourself》GrammarPPT课件

《Do it yourself》GrammarPPT课件


We use‘should’and‘had better’ when giving advice and telling people what is the best or right thing to do.

1. Please know a little about DIY.

You should  know a little about DIY.

You had better  know a little about DIY.

2. Please put in a brighter light in the room.

You should put in a brighter light in the room.

You had better  put in a brighter light in the room.

3. Don’t hit the pipe.

You should not/ shouldn’t hit the pipe.

You had better  not hit the pipe.

4. Don’t paint the whole room blue.

You should not/shouldn’t  paint the whole room blue.

You had better not paint the whole room blue.

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《Do it yourself》PPT,第二部分内容:DIY advice

Read the advice and make sentences with should (not) or had better (not).

begin your work without reading them

You shouldn’t begin your work without reading them.

You had better not begin your work without reading them.

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《Do it yourself》PPT,第三部分内容:Homework

Using‘should’or‘had better’to give advice to your classmates. 

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