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《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT

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《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT

《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT

第一部分内容:The Lost Key

The door was locked. I couldn’t find the key 

I didn’t notice that there was a big hole in my pocket. 

The key and my mobile phone went through the hole.

I saw someone with a mobile phone passing by.

I asked him for help to call my husband.

... ... ...

《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT,第二部分内容:Task 

Task 1  Ask and Answer for Paras.1&2

1. It was a sunny day.

2. She sat by the river with her sister.

3. She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.

Task 2  Rearrange the  following actions

Read Para3 and put the actions into a right order.

Alice stood up when she saw the rabbit.

The rabbit jumped down a big hole.

Alice jumped down the hole, too.

Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away

Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.

... ... ...

《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT,第三部分内容:Follow up 

When Alice jumped down the hole, she found there were two of her friends in the hall, too.

Work in a group of three. Make a conversation to talk about

How  you came to the hall

What you saw on the way

How you felt about it

What all of you wanted to do next……

... ... ...

《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT,第四部分内容:Homework

Use your imagination to make up an ending for the story and share it with your classmates.

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