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《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT

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《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT

《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT

第一部分内容:Learning aims:

1.Describe a thing clearly.

2.Continue to write a story based on the one we have known.

Listen and answer questions

1.What did Alice see on the table?

A little bottle

2.Did Alice drink the juice on the table?

Yes, she did.

... ... ...

《Outdoor fun》PPT,第二部分内容:Put the sentences into the correct order.

Alice saw a piece of cake under the table.

Alice was too small to reach the key.

Alice felt a little ill.

Alice saw a little bottle on the table.

Alice opened the bottle on the table.

Alice became smaller and smaller.

Read the text again and answer questions

1.What happened to her after she drank the juice?

Her body became smaller and smaller.

2.What did she decide to do then?

She decided to enter the garden.

3. What did she forget?

She forgot about the key.

4. Could she reach the table?

No, she couldn’t. She failed.

5. What did she see under the table?

She saw a piece of cake under the table

... ... ...

《Outdoor fun》PPT,第三部分内容:Discussion

1. Will Alice eat the cake?

2. What will happen after that?

3. Where will she go next?

4. What will she see?

5. Will she meet the white rabbit again?

... ... ...

《Outdoor fun》PPT,第四部分内容:Sample writing

Alice read the note and thought carefully, “ If the cake makes me smaller, I can creep(爬行) under the door, and if it makes me larger, I can reach the key.”

Alice ate the cake. Then she was quite surprised to find that the cake made her grow taller and taller. When she looked down at her feet, they were so far away.

Alice was very frightened. She sat down and began to cry. After a while, there was a large pool full of tears round her. 

Suddenly, Alice heard someone coming. It was the white rabbit returning. The white rabbit was so frightened by Alice that he quickly ran away.

Alice had to swim through her own tears and met a mouse and some other animals. They were all swimming in the tears.

... ... ...

《Outdoor fun》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework: 

1.Write about what you think will happen to Alice

2.Tell this story to your best friend in English 

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