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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 牛津译林版英语七年级上册 > 《This is me》PPT

《This is me》PPT

《This is me》PPT 详细介绍:

《This is me》PPT《This is me》PPT《This is me》PPT

《This is me》PPT


Hello, boys and girls.

I’m your new English teacher.

My name is Cloudy Huang,

You can call me Mr. Huang

I like making friends.

And I like animals too.

Free talk

Do you like making friends  ?

Do you want to make friends with me?

What’s your name

Do you like English?

Do you like animals?

What animals do you have?

Do you have a dog?

... ... ...

《This is me》PPT,第二部分内容:Summary

Do you know how we introduce ourselves when we are the first to meet our new friends?

Good morning/afternoon/evening/Hello/Hi,

I’m/My name is … What’s your name, please?

Nice to meet you !

How can we do better?

Prepare your lessons well before each class.(在每节课前预习好你的功课)

Review what you have learned in time.


Read and write as often as possible.


Speak English as much as you can ,either in class or out of class.(无论课上课后多说英语)

Ask your teachers for advice and help 

when you are in need.(需要时向老师多问)

... ... ...

《This is me》PPT,第三部分内容:Homework:

1.Copy new words and phrases.

2.Greet your friends at different times.

3.Recite the dialogue.


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