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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 上海教育版六年级英语上册 > 《Trees》PPT课件


《Trees》PPT课件 详细介绍:




How can we protect trees in danger?

We should …

We shouldn’t …

The bird and the tree

The bird and the tree are friends. 

The bird often sings songs in the tree.

Autumn comes. 

The bird has to fly to the south.

Bird: See you next spring, Mr Tree. 

Tree: See you, Miss Bird. I’ll miss you.   

Spring comes. The bird comes back, but she cannot see the tree.

Bird: Where’s Mr Tree?

Grass: Some workers cut him down and took him to a factory.

... ... ...

《Trees》PPT,第二部分内容:Think and say

Do we need trees or not? Talk in groups and tell your classmates why.

Reasons to plant trees:

1.Trees make streets more _________.

2.Trees make streets less __________.

3.Trees make our air _________.

4.Trees make our air _________.

5.Trees give us a lot of ________ things.

Give a report.

We get wood from trees.

We use wood to make a lot of things.

We use wood to make …

We also use wood to make …

... ... ...

《Trees》PPT,第三部分内容:Look and read

One tree does not make a forest.

As the tree, so the fruit.

Like tree, like fruit.

A tree is known by its fruit.

A tall tree catches the wind.

Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.

A tree falls the way it leans.

... ... ...


1. Read Student’s Book pages 78 and 79.

2. Talk about things we get from trees.

3. Finish Workbook pages 66 and 67.


《Trees》PPT课件 下载地址:



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