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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 上海教育版四年级英语下册 > 《Subjects》PPT


《Subjects》PPT 详细介绍:



第一部分内容:Read and complete

1.We read and write in our ____________ lesson.

2.We run and jump in our ____________ lesson.

3.We have fun with numbers in our ____________ lesson.

4.We learn ABCs in our ____________ lesson.

5.We paint and draw in our ____________ lesson.

6.We learn about animals and plants in our ____________ lesson.

7.We sing and dance in our ____________ lesson.

... ... ...

《Subjects》PPT,第二部分内容:Think and say

What subjects do you like?

I like …

I learn to read and write in…class

It’s so

Chain drill

A: What subjects do you like?

B: I like … It’s …

What about you?

A: I like …

B: What subjects do you like?

C: I like … It’s …

What about you?

B: I like…

C: …

... ... ...


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