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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 精通版四年级英语下册 > 《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件3

《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件3

《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件3《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件3《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件3

《Would you like to take a trip?》PPT课件3

Play a game

What’s missing?

Look and say

Look! What’s this in English?

What’s the monkey doing?

It is dancing.

... ... ...

Look and write

A: What’s that in English?

B: _________.

A: Look! The seal is ________.

B: Wow, great! 

A: What’s that in English?

B: __________.

A: Look! The hippo is ______.

B: Yes.

... ... ...



—What’s that in English?

—It’s a/an …


1. 跟读课文Just talk部分的录音,注意语音、语调。

2. 观察生活中的小动物,绘制成一张动物乐园的海报,并附上它们的英文名字。

3. 预习Lesson 34。

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