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《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT课件

《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT课件 详细介绍:

《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT课件《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT课件

《This morning we took a walk》A holiday journey PPT课件

Revision: Tell us something about your last holiday. 

It must include (包括): 

When…  did you go for your holiday?

Where… did you go?

How… did you go?

Who…  was with you / went with you?

When… did you leave?

How long… did it take you to get there?

How long… did you spend there?

What… did you do there?

How… was your holiday?

... ... ...

Read Part 1 and answer the questions.

1. Who did Betty write the email to ? And when ?

To her grandma on Friday 1st June.

2. How did she go there?

She went there by plane.

3. Who met Betty at the airport?

Her aunt and uncle met her at the airport.

4. We were tired so we relaxed at home and began our tour of the city yesterday.译汉语


... ... ...


1乘飞机到达  arrive by plane

2前天  the day before yesterday

3在机场  at the airport

4卢浮宫博物馆  the Louvre Museum

5世界著名的艺术品 world-famous works of art

6今天早晨  this  morning

7散步  take  a  walk

8 卖如此好的水果蔬菜  sell such good fruit and vegetables

9排队等候  wait  in  line

10灯亮着  The  lights  are  on .

11乘船旅游  take  a  boat   tour

... ... ...

Language points

1. arrive in +大地方“到达……”

arrive at +小地方

We arrived in London last week. 


We arrived at the station five minutes late. 

我们到车站晚了 5 分钟。


When will you arrive? 


When I arrived, they weren't there. 


... ... ...

2. We were tired so we relaxed at home…

relax  v. 休息;放松;使 ...... 放松

I just want to sit down and relax. 


The music will help to relax you. 


His father often _______ (relax) half an hour after supper.

relaxing  adj. 令人放松的 (跟物有关) 

I think dancing is                                        . 


relaxed adj. 感到放松 (跟人有关) 

He was relaxed when he returned from his vacation last Sunday. 


... ... ...

Rewrite the sentences.

1.I was at home this morning.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ at home this morning?

2. Lucy didn’t go there because her mother was ill. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ Lucy go there?

3. My father bought some things in the store yesterday afternoon. (改为同义句)

My father ______ _____ _____  in the store yesterday afternoon. 

4. They had a big dinner last Saturday. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ they _____ last Saturday?

5. It cost me 1,000 yuan to buy the cell phone. (改为同义句)

I ______ 1,000 yuan in ______ the cell phone.

6. Mark is sending an email to his friend. (用yesterday改写句子)


... ... ...

Talk about a special holiday.

1. When and where did you go?

2. Who went with you?

3. How did you go there?

4. What did you do or see?

5. How was it like?


Write a passage about your unforgettable holiday.

关键词:《This morning we took a walk》教学课件,外研版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《This morning we took a walk》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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