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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 外研版六年级英语下册 > 《We are going to speak Chinese》PPT课件

《We are going to speak Chinese》PPT课件

《We are going to speak Chinese》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《We are going to speak Chinese》PPT课件《We are going to speak Chinese》PPT课件

《We are going to speak Chinese》PPT课件

What are you going to do?

You can use: 

1. have a picnic 

2. listen to music

3. watch TV

4. dance

Hello, I am Tom. I am going to go to middle school. I’m going to speak Chinese.

Teaching aims



We are going to speck Chinese.

Are you going to go to middle school this September?

Yes. I’m really excited.

学习词汇:middle school, study, practice, worry


通过学习本课的句型,掌握“be going to”正确的表述方式,能用准确的语音语调谈论自己将来的一些事情。



... ... ...

Group  wrok 1

Learn and say :

middle school  中学

study   学习

practise  练习

worry  担心

Group wrok 2

A: Listen to the tape for the first time and underline the sentences with“be going to”.

B:Listen to the tape again ,find the answers to the following questions.

(1)What  subject(科目)  is Daming going to study ?

He is going to study Physics, Chemistry,History......

(2)Where are Sam and Amy going to go?

They are  going to go England.

(3)What are Sam and Amy going to do there?

They’re going to speak Chinese.

(4)Who will Sam and Amy miss?

They will miss Daming.

... ... ...


be going to句式的用法:

表示要将做的事情,常与 this September ,tomorrow,next week等时间状语连用。

eg.Are you going to go to middle school this September?


eg.He is going to walk to school.

We are going to speak Chinese.


Exercises (一)

Write the words according to the pictures

Exercises (二)

Finish the following questions with am, is, are:

1.I __ going to study in Peoples’ Middle School.

2.She __  going to learn Chinese this summer.

3.They __  going to go to Guilin next week.

4. Tom __ going to play table tennis in the afternoon.

5. We  __  going to go shopping with Amy tomorrow morning.

... ... ...







关键词:《We are going to speak Chinese》教学课件,外研版三起点六年级下册英语课件,六年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《We are going to speak Chinese》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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