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《London is a big city》PPT课件

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《London is a big city》PPT课件《London is a big city》PPT课件

《London is a big city》PPT课件

That one is small.

This ball is big.

This tree is tall,but that one is short.

This monkey is thin,but that one is fat.

It’s  very big .

It’s  very beautiful.

... ... ...


_What’s this?

_It’s a book.

It’s  a book about London.

about  关于

... ... ...

A rhyme

What's this?  What's this?

Buckingham Palace.  Buckingham Palace.

What's this?  What's this?

The Queen's house. The Queen's house.

What's this?  What's this?

Amy's house.  Amy's house.

It's small, but beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful.

The most beautiful one is the capital. 

... ... ...




beautiful  big    small   nice   

clever   fat  thin   short  tall 

naughty …

2. 设计一本关于家乡的画册。

关键词:《London is a big city》教学课件,外研版三起点四年级下册英语课件,四年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《London is a big city》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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  • 《London is a big city》PPT优秀课件

    《London is a big city》PPT优秀课件

    外研版四年级英语下册《London is a big city》PPT优秀课件,共17页。 教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说并认读单词和词组: city,ship,beautiful,close,whose 2、学生能听懂、会说并认读句子: London is a big city. Its very big and very beautiful. 3、一..

  • 《London is a big city》PPT优质课件

    《London is a big city》PPT优质课件

    外研版四年级英语下册《London is a big city》PPT优质课件,共24页。 This panda is short, but that one is tall. This ship is big, but that one is small. Listen and answer ! What's this? Its Buckingham Palace. Its very big and very beautiful...

  • 《London is a big city》PPT免费下载

    《London is a big city》PPT免费下载

    外研版四年级英语下册《London is a big city》PPT免费下载,共26页。 Let's review words London 伦敦 capital 首都 about 关于 beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 Buckingham Place 白金汉宫 Queen 女王 Let's review _Whats this? _Its a book. Its a book about..

  • 《London is a big city》PPT免费课件

    《London is a big city》PPT免费课件

    外研版四年级英语下册《London is a big city》PPT免费课件,共25页。 Teaching material The analysis of teaching material: London is a big citychoose from the new Standard English of grade4 module2 unit1. Teaching and learning methods Teaching..

  • 《London is a big city》PPT课件下载

    《London is a big city》PPT课件下载

    外研版四年级英语下册《London is a big city》PPT课件下载,共17页。 London is a big city. beautiful Which one can make this voice? ship Whats this? Buckingham Palace Whose house is it? It's the Queen's house. summary Words: city, ship, beaut..

  • 《London is a big city》PPT教学课件

    《London is a big city》PPT教学课件

    外研版四年级英语下册《London is a big city》PPT教学课件,共17页。 认识新单词 city 城市 ship 船 beautiful 美丽的 whose 谁的 queen 女王 close 近的,接近的 Whose house is it? Its the Queens house. Its Amys house. And its close to the Queens h..
