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《Then and now》lets try Flash动画课件2

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《Then and now》lets try Flash动画课件2

《Then and now》lets try Flash动画课件2

本课件通过动画的形式将《Then and now》中的lets try展示给学生,通过听力练习帮助学生更好的认识课文内容,是很好的英语教学辅助课件。

关键词:《Then and now》动画课件,新人教版六年级下册英语Flash动画课件下载,六年级英语Flash动画课件下载,《Then and now》Flash动画课件下载,.swf格式;

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  • 《Then and now》PartB PPT下载

    《Then and now》PartB PPT下载

    人教版六年级英语下册《Then and now》PartB PPT下载,共14页。 Introduce In the Tang dynasty... At that time, there were no gyms. People didn't go by bus. People couldn't use the Internet. Words gym [dm] 作名词,意为体育馆,健身房。 eg:I sho..

  • 《Then and now》PartA PPT下载

    《Then and now》PartA PPT下载

    人教版六年级英语下册《Then and now》PartA PPT下载,共17页。 Introduce A:There was no library in my old school. B:Tell us about your school, please. A:How do you know that? B:There were no computers or Internet in my time. Words star [stɑ:..

  • 《Then and now》PPT下载(第6课时)

    《Then and now》PPT下载(第6课时)

    人教版六年级英语下册《Then and now》PPT下载(第6课时),共12页。 Warming up Let's do some practice. 知识讲解 Let's learn how to describe people. When I was 5 years old, I had a round face, I was short, I had small eyes, I had small mouth and..

  • 《Then and now》PPT下载(第5课时)

    《Then and now》PPT下载(第5课时)

    人教版六年级英语下册《Then and now》PPT下载(第5课时),共14页。 Warming up Let's read Mark's dream. 知识讲解 Mark had a race with his father and Max. There were many people there. His father ran very fast, but Mark could not. There was noth..

  • 《Then and now》PPT下载(第4课时)

    《Then and now》PPT下载(第4课时)

    人教版六年级英语下册《Then and now》PPT下载(第4课时),共19页。 Warming up Could you tell us about your change? 知识讲解 I read a book. It was really interesting. Could you tell me the story? Cavemen often ate raw meat. They didn't cook the..

  • 《Then and now》PPT下载(第3课时)

    《Then and now》PPT下载(第3课时)

    人教版六年级英语下册《Then and now》PPT下载(第3课时),共14页。 Warming up Talk about your friends or family members. How did they change? 知识讲解 Hi, Sarah! Come and look at my old photos! That's funny! You were wearing a pink T-shirt. Ye..
